Supporting Afghan Students in Schools
A webinar co-hosted by the Schools of Sanctuary Team at City of Sanctuary UK and Refugee Education UK to help schools meet the needs of Afghan students from sanctuary-seeking backgrounds.
In this free online webinar aimed at teachers and school staff, we will present an introduction to supporting Afghan students that arrive in your school. In their presentations, Catherine Gladwell, Chief Executive at Refugee Education UK, and colleagues will draw from recent research on the displacement of young Afghans to explain the educational implications for students with a focus on barriers to their progress and achievement. They will also outline practical strategies schools/teachers can adopt to overcome these challenges and share details of their existing and latest resources that can help schools engage with Afghan families and develop their policies and practices.
This webinar will include:
- An introduction to Schools of Sanctuary and Refugee Education UK
- An overview of the challenges facing young Afghan students
- A presentation of suggested strategies and resources to overcome these challenges
- Q & A.
November 3rd, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM